Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Stand

No one is lost in loving,
this has become my story.
My heart leaps in Your presence,
You in me my hope of glory.

And now ancient wells are re-opened,
Pouring abundantly as Spring's morning light,
It is sweet wine made exquisite while
Our standing endured the lonely night.

I have only to listen to beckoning Spirit
To give voice to bursting elation,
as I soar upward to dive deeper and
drink of living waters freedom.

No one is lost in loving
without love we have nothing at all.
We hold out open hands, without counting our cost,
and step forth toward Your call.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

I like the phrase about soaring upward to dive deeper. Going deeper is painful but it also is the only way to the freedom of soaring. You know this well... and express it beautifully here.